
These are the posts with the tag News.


| Sep 26 2024


Our lab has received a 2-year NHGRI award to study the post-transcriptional regulation of protein levels in cancer and cardiac cells.

Aidan Borkan

| May 17 2024

Aidan Borkan

Aidan Borkan has successfully defended his work for his BSBT Master's program Bioinformatics specialization certificate. Congratulations!

Summer Students 2023

| Jun 07 2023

Summer Students 2023

We would like to welcome our two summer undergraduate students Gabriel Wu (NIGMS Summer Research Student) and Abigiya Abate (CU CORE Program)!

Farewell Himangi

| Sep 01 2022

Farewell Himangi

Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Himangi Srivastava has started a new position as Data Scientist at Fred Hutch in Seattle. Good luck Himangi, you will be missed!